Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I've decided I will really need to pick up a hobby when I've graduated. Today I've gotten out of bed, done a lame work-out (because I suck), showered, did myself all up (kinda), cut a pineapple, and boiled eggs. Evie and I have read a couple of books together, watched several PBS shows together, and eaten breakfast and lunch. I played the piano a little before Evie kicked me off, and now she's taking her turn to pound like Jon Schmidt and yell "birt'day!" as many times and as loud as she can. I can only clean the apartment so much. What to do? I've ruled out going outside; I'm anti-sun burning my retinas. And if we do laps around the mall I'm bound to spend the little money we do have. :-S I probably shouldn't take Evie out anyway. She's got a runny nose; that's why she isn't in daycare today while I'm at class. If only I had my art stuff...


Britany said...

I am having the exact same problem. I graduated and now I have nothing to do. lol. It was fun for a while, but now it's just boring.

Brandon and Brooke said...

Agreed. I had this same problem while I was pregnant. I'm really not in the mood to go make friends with my neighbors yet, and most of my good friends are too far away or work during the day :-P You really should move closer when Dan gets done so that we can play. But you weren't wanting to live in Utah were you? That's what I'm remembering, is that right?

Stephie Lynne Purcell said...

Are you telling me you are sick of Sid the Kid? I just refuse to believe that :)

You can borrow Zumba... I bet Evie would even do it with you!

Brandon and Brooke said...

Ah Steph that would be awesome! I remember what you said about it being fun for people with a dance background, and I did ballet for 10 years. I would love to try your zumba videos! Where do you get them? I'll trade you my Jillian Michaels video ;-)