Thursday, March 24, 2011


Question to everyone: What do you do to relax?

I often feel exhausted taking care of the apartment, doing my internship, and constantly running after Evie.  I know some of you have one child, more than one, or none--and I'm assuming ALL of you have some amount of stress.  So what do you do to relax and unwind?

The best thing for me are these at my fingers...

...and this musical genius's sheet music in front of me...

...and I am good to go.  

Nothing puts me in a better mood than letting all my pent up emotions run rampant through my fingers as I play his songs.  I just...LOVE to play his music.  (If you haven't heard any of his songs, find some to listen to.  He is AMAZING.)

Now, back out to you.  Share with me your stress-relieving techniques!


Stephanie said...

I have to agree with you on this technique - it's always worked wonders for me too. But I also love hot baths and sleeping always seems to do the trick. :)

Unknown said...

Believe it or not, I wash dishes to relieve stress and relax. Yep, hand-wash dishes :)

Michelle said...

my commute to and from work is really the only time I get to myself. I travel 35 miles each way. Listening to music, singing along to the songs or listen to my favorite talk show help me escape from the stress. Sometimes I turn the music down low and just enjoy the ride

Anonymous said...

I love to listen to the March of the Penguins CD to relax!